Sunday, October 20, 2019



First of all let's talk about the keywords, which would be the main thing to create the dorks.
We will use this page to create them:

Once open I will talk a little to know how to create your keywords, for example if we want to have keywords from netflix, spotify, twitch, of course video, among other platforms, that is called the “Streaming” or “Stream” platform then to get words from we have to see that it has to do with it, that is, netflix, it has to do with movies, movies, series, characters, and so, in the field of spotify, it means that it has to do with music, artists, playlist, and so on.
Let's talk about the side of the keywords of minecraft, origin, steam, among other platforms, that platform is called “Gaming” as it said above in relation to them, for example steam, it has to do with users, games, offers among other things.

We open the page that passes them up to get keywords.


We put the main keyword we want to search, in this case I will use “Artists”


And we will click on the little button that says “Get Keywrods Ideas.


We took about 100 keywords for "Main keyword" that was artists, when they have about 100 we give "Stop Job" the little button that is there.
Then we copy them and paste them into a .txt, that is, a notebook. (in my case I will use notepad ++)
Then we will continue searching for more keywords, until we have about 1,000 in total.


This part would be ready.

For this we will use, “TSP” many will say that it is a very public program and everything but if you know how to use some good types of pages, and search options and keywords this can become the best you can get, in this case we will use the “ TSP Dork Generator 0.7 ”in my opinion the best and most complete.

Before opening the program we must download the parameters that I use, which would be the type of pages, the type of searches, and the types of formats.

Once downloaded the .txt files are transferred to the tsp folder, it doesn't matter if you ask them to replace them.

Now if we open the tsp!


Once the "TSP" with the settings is open, we would select these types of "Dork types"


We load the keywords.


Once loaded we modify the amount of dorks we want, in my case I will make 10,000


(The more keywords, the more number of dorks they can make)
And we select the country from which we want to do the dorks (you can choose several, in my case I will make them from Brazil, by the way to do them by country they should be the acronym of that country, that is Brazil is br)


And we select which number will be the file of the dorks.


(For example, in the "TSP" folder it would say, "Generated 1" that is what output file number means)
Now if we can proceed to generate our dorks.


They would have to leave us a message this way.



We would stay this way, we would end up in this part.

"Dork Searcher EZ"
This tool is crazy, of course, if you know how to use it.
You can download it from here:

Or it is easily found in cracking forums.
Since it broke, the creator did not bother to make a better version, so engines like Google and Amazon no longer work, but there is a way to get Google URLs.
MyWebSearch is a search engine enhanced by google, which means that you get most of your URLs directly from google. It used to work fine without proxies, but now you need
proxies for it, or a VPN and change your location every 1 minute because your IP is prohibited, but without fear, you can still use LQ proxies and get URLs because their security is crap.


In source we would load the dorks, and in proxy the proxies, and we would start it and wait for it to finish.
Once you get the URLs with mywebsearch, go to yahoo and then to bing.
You will get crazy URLs and HQs.
Any type of dorks will work very well with Dork Searcher EZ.
Once done, those 3 steps that would be mywebsearch, yahoo, and bing.
We will gather the 3 results in a single .txt.
And then we insert them into SQLi.


Click where it says "Import" and select the .txt where we have saved the urls.


Hopefully it loads the "Queue"


In my case I took very few.
We go to “Exploitable” and give it “Star exploiter”


Fact: As we can see, the url’s are leaving the same country we had previously chosen as “Brazil”


This means that the method does work;)

Once all the exploitable ones are removed we go to the area of injectables.


And we give you "Star Analyzer"


And we hope our injectables come out.


Once done we write what we want to look for within the data base, be it email, password, senha, among other things.

Now we will select all url’s with right click “Select all”


Now we proceed to give Star.


And now wait a bit for our database to come out.

Excellent! We have obtained our database.


Now, how can we know where the combo is? That is the email:pass or user:pass


When they have the same name, that is, the same data base, and the same table.


We select it.




And we look for the same table, that is the user, and select it


And we give “Get Columns“


We wait for them to leave, and as we can see there is already email, and senha (password in Portuguese)


Select the email first, and the password (ie senha) second.


We put 50 threads, and then “Dump Data“


And I would start taking out our combo.



When we have the combo ready, we click on “Export Data” to save it.


And we select custom, and we start it, and we select the way to save it.


And ready, we would have our combo done!

1 comment:

  1. Brother you explain very nice it was very help full got 1m Italian combos thank you for the tools and explaination.keep up the good work.
    Peace in the middle East. Ma Sallama
